We offer an array of services for anyone interested in owning an Amazon Asset, but do not have the knowledge or time to build it themselves. From the ground up -Aged store or New store- we utilize our experienced Supply-Chain Network to ensure that we locate the best Wholesale Deals to not only keep and grow your asset’s positive reputation, but to acquire the deals that maximize the profits that we all share together.
Our comprehensive strategy utilizes three warehouses with full shipping and packing staff, and we have server/software advantages that our product research and marketing team uses to consistently make sure your account is secured and that all products meet compliance before they’re greenlit for your operation.
Unfortunately not! We must operate from an LLC within the US. However, our team is very efficient at lining up holding companies that we can connect you with to enable operation compatibility for this venture and compliance with Amazon. It’s an extra step, but we can make it happen!
Absolutely. We understand the importance of showing proof of work. We operate close to
one-hundred Amazon stores that produce about four-million dollars in monthly sales volume,
and these numbers will be updated as we grow. With exclusive access, we show our results
in-person over many accounts.
Of course, we also have existing testimonials to add to the mix! Anyone can take screenshots
of accounts, so we prefer to give in-person presentations so that you can get involved behind
the scenes and see how everything ticks for yourself. That’s one of the greatest things about
this opportunity, we make results obvious and observable for your own eyes.
Typically, our onboarding process takes about 2-6 weeks, depending on if you decide to
purchase an Aged Amazon Store. While the process will take you longer to get the AAS
registered to your LLC, know that it holds significant advantages compared to starting a new
store completely. Either way, our suppliers are very good about locating your inventory
quickly to reduce wait times, and make sure by the time that everything is set, your inventory is
ready to be uploaded and sent into Amazon. The faster we move, the faster we can begin
growing the asset profits.
With our profit-split model, we make money when you make money, so it is in everyone’s best
interests to get results as quickly as possible, and with the best deals possible. Once your store
is launched and inventory has been placed, you will be seeing results very quickly. The speed
that products sell out depends on the market needs and the utilization of our software, which is
why we strive to acquire hot products with high margins, and make sure that you’re priced
The difference between the two is night and day in terms of how quickly they get up and
running smoothly. A new Amazon account without a track record, positive reviews, and a
history is a very difficult account to grow. Especially on your own! Luckily, we can do that for
you, as well- and get you those positive reviews with great products. Just know that it takes
about four-six months to gain a traction that is widely considered as satisfactory. In this
instance we help you walk before you run!
As for an Aged Amazon Store, this allows you to jump into the Amazon Market without
restrictions due to owning an existing asset with a positive seller’s history. Within The Nexus,
we have access to a marketplace that specializes in selling these particular assets so that we can
bring them to you if it’s within your investment range and you want to hit the ground running!
I’ve discovered that more often than not, many just grow tired of running their store altogether
due to the amount of work that goes into things. It’s really not easy and very time consuming!
So, it’s better just to liquidate and pass it on.
On the other hand, acquiring this asset not only provides you an existing seller’s history and
ungated categories for product- but it grants you the ability to buy as much inventory as you’d
like from the start.
The importance of communication is key. When we onboard a Partner, you are brought into a
Skype or Slack group -or both-where you will be in contact with your Account Manager and
Virtual Assistant. You will always be one message away, and you will be updated on your
account results and inventory processing status’. We also make sure everyone has our socials
and personal numbers.
We like to make sure our Supply Partners are focused on running your account, so if you have
anything pressing that you wish to speak about immediately, you are free to reach me. As the
CEO I can field anything for you, or simply be there to talk about successes and possibilities
for expansion as we bring this platform to everyone wanting a proven, passive source of
I like to take a different approach to business relationships in this day and age. Our numbers are already proven and our official partnership structures are in place, so I make it my personal goal to not just have “clients” as many would label those they do business with. We all prefer to name everyone as a Partner. At the end of the day, it’s much more rewarding to create relationships with someone in more than just a professional atmosphere. We make sure that it’s clear you’re running with those that truly care for you and your family’s success as a Partner.
If anything arises, we will always have your back and do everything in our power to move
everything forward and come to an understanding, rather than hide ourselves with protective
refund clauses. Reputation and relationships are everything in this business. As a Partner you’re
on the cutting edge with us and we don’t take that lightly.
This question honestly outlines what makes this opportunity so amazing for everyone. For a
beginning Entrepreneur the hardest thing to find is a great team with services that truly meet
their values and needs – which may be difficult for someone inexperienced to even identify.
This is why we like to focus on relationship development and simplified service breakdowns to
help flesh out everything that aligns with your needs. Not with words, promises and
high-pressure tactics- but with true intentions, methods, and proven experiences.
Ensuring that all Entrepreneurs within our ecosystem are successful makes us all in-turn
successful through referrals. When you stand as an honest Professional in this space, high-level
Entrepreneurs flock to your services as they are already able to identify their values and levels
of professionalism that take experience to identify.
As a Collective, there are many tools we have for you to use through our personal contacts we
have developed relationships with for many years. Funding is one of necessity, and we have a
Partner that can get you 0% interest business loans for 12 months provided that you have good
credit- which gives an amazing window to build your account’s success over a quick period of
time. When you start with a lot of funds available for inventory, we’ll ensure you make an
incredible run to not only be able to pay your monthly obligations, but to be more than
prepared when you want to reduce your business loan.
Our process is standard but streamlined. We get you directly in touch with one of our Partners
leading one the Lending Industry, and you will have a free consultation with a Team Member
that gathers your info (credit check included) and funding goals/actions will be taken
appropriately to their expertise and your financial-credit situation.
In order to get a product category ungated it can be hit or miss, and has proven to be a big
challenge for newer accounts. Our strategy first is to get a great seller’s history before sending
an “Ungating Inquiry” into Amazon. Ungating typically occurs when Amazon sees that an
account has a proven and positive seller’s history through verified vendors, and if so will often
grant access to selling the new category. If the product category does not get approved, that’s
ok. We will keep working to make sure we can get it approved in the future!
Our Partners must have great software utilization techniques in order to be able to operate the
ecosystem effectively. What sets us apart are the many years of trial and error! These tools
have been thoroughly approved through hands-on experience. Managing nearly four-million in
monthly product wouldn’t be possible through any kind of mismanagement, and the techniques
must be perfect to remain competitive.
Yes. We have three particular clauses that refer to this, all within our “Co-Management Agreement” on page three.
Firstly, we guarantee that you will have your initial return on investment (your startup cost) by
the end of two years. If this is not met, our Supply Partners do not take the profit-split until
you’re made whole.
Secondly, we clearly state that if you wish to leave The Nexus Collective, we offer to refund
half of the startup cost. Since we have a very large overhead to run our Supply-Chain smoothly,
getting all of the funds back after services rendered would not be viable, but we understand the
need to have as much of our skin in the game that’s possible.
Thirdly, we will buy back inventory or replace it at purchase cost after 60 days of it being in
Amazon’s hands and hasn’t sold. This ensures that the inventory we acquire is not your burden
financially. We have the ability to resell it back to our vendor/wholesaling relations, so it’s a
win-win and then we’re on to your next deal.
We have never had to honor our guarantees because they have never been needed to be used!
But it’s a nice insurance we offer.
Additionally as a guarantee within itself- not only do you own this asset fully, but you have full
control over the capital within the account itself. Amazon as a platform will pay you directly to
your business bank account, and we will invoice you once a month for the net profit-split. The
inventory funds will always be yours and will always be pushed back into your own account.
There is a ratio of success considering the amounts of inventory that are being utilized within
every individual account. Timing is everything and anyone can get lucky acquiring a hot
product when purchasing a pallet of inventory for you. Monthly gains have varied from 12% to
53%- and despite fluctuations and gains collectively across all accounts- the average for all
stores being managed has stuck consistently around 24%.
Just as we operate everything from A-Z, everyone from a beginner to expert has different needs
and expectations- and we tailor everything to the Partner. We don’t offer what one doesn’t want
or need. My Partners and I have always held that mantra to heart for years now. We offer our
constant guidance and connections openly! We remain thorough within our experience and
values, and we have many tools to offer that have been proven not just through us, but others in
multiple sectors.
This may seem cliche, but it couldn’t be closer to the truth. It’s not just about what you know-
but who you know. As our Network has expanded, we have acquired all necessary Partnerships
to ensure that we are able to operate smoothly. We have many knowledgeable Partners, some
of who are insiders and are privy to information we need. For example, Amazon is a gauntlet
of ever-changing logistics and product regulations. It wouldn’t be wise if we didn’t have a
Partner within Amazon to give us the knowledge we need so that your purchased products are
not flagged for being on the restriction list.
This goes the same for every category of Entrepreneurship we are involved in. We’re big on
pre-checking everything before pulling the trigger.
This is a fun question. Anyone interested in investing or being an Entrepreneur are always
interested in multiple streams of income, as it should be. And sometimes someone may
discover one or two and learn from the proficiency of others- but why stop there? It’s nice to
have multiple tools in the box to show others. Having the ability to make introductions to even
more income streams is a great thing to be able to offer. It’s all about reputation and
relationships at the end of the day. Entrepreneurs that don’t give up tend to be around those of
the same. If anyone is interested in other Partnerships we have, we are always open to
supporting their introductions to vetted sources.
If someone can have a great relationship with their first Fulfillment Partner that provides a
seamless experience to their current ecosystem, it’s actually easier to find number two and three
because you already know what to look for. Ensurement is through experience and those that
have had their skin in the game for a longer period of time and stayed out of the destruction of
other companies, which is why are able to uphold our guarantees through our Fulfillment
strategies. If it works great, keep building it out!
Depending on categories and budgets, we allow our Marketing Partners to best decide which
platform would be best. After putting together the plan, utilizing Meta and fully managing
social media has been widely popular, and now We’re also using TikTok to guide interested
audiences to landing pages.
Most companies out there offer a measly ten-percent as an “industry standard” but we’re not
here to be standard. We offer a fifteen-percent Referral Program, but that can also increase
depending on the value someone wants to bring from their own Network. The more there is,
the more there is to go around for everyone. Avoiding spending overhead capital to bring on
New Partners is valuable- so we are open to having a further conversation.